Meditation isn't just about applying and practising techniques and tools. There must be a greater intention and direction for the practices to have a meaningful impact in your life.
Meditation isn't just about 'learning' and 'embracing' new concepts and ideas. Where practiced with direction, meditation can lead us to an experiential understanding of ourselves where those concepts and ideas are 'inherently known'.
Meditation isn't just about turning your attention inward and witnessing your inner landscape. It is a 'becoming of' the inner landscape and witnessing life from this new perspective. While you are outside and looking in, you have no understanding of the space inside behind the lens. It's not until you enter that space and become of it, that your awareness can pivot. Only then will you have an understanding of both places and see all with clarity.
Beyond techniques and concepts is a journey of self. Leaving no stone unturned to look at the whole of you, you can realise yourself, and know who you are ...rather than who you think you are through the filter of your determined mind! All teachings offered in the meditation school hold integral elements of this complete meditation journey, to thoroughly investigate who it is that is you. Shake off the surface awareness that grapples unsatisfyingly outwards (and then all too often desperately inwards!), and instead dive gracefully, with precision, inwards, to the landing place that you'll be glad you got to know.